Daily MEME – Thursday

Bizarre. Odd. Retro. Entertainment.
A goldfish has given the ability to swim again, after his owner made him a life jacket to help him swim again.
Einstein the fish had developed ‘swim bladder disease’ which caused him to go upside down and sink to the bottom of the tank.
His owner, Leighton Leester from Blackpool, was so worried about him that he decided to make a ‘floating frame’ for him out of recycled tubing, which he managed to fit over the fishes body.
He said “He’s always been a fighter so when he sunk to the bottom one day and couldn’t get back up again it was a very sorry sight. It broke my heart to see him so helpless. He looked so depressed.”
But luckily Leester has rearranged the tank so that Einsten can swim freely through the tank like he did before.
To find out more click here.
What happens when you put 140 corgis on a beach? They have a party of course – full of wonderful things including corgis wearing bandannas, bonding with others dogs and wearing all manner of crazy things.
For more pictures, find the full story on Buzz Feed here.
Photo: stuffonmyrabbit.tumblr.com
Have you looked around and thought, ‘stupid jokes on Twitter are great, but what would really make it peachy is if I could see a rabbit with stuff on it’s head’
If you did think that, funnily enough there is a twitter account. The Twitter account @SOMRofficial, is a account of a person putting random things on a rabbit’s head. Our personal favourite was the Rubix Cube and the Pancake but there have been so many others.
This were some other that made it on our lists.
Cocktail Umbrella
You can find “Vinnie” the rabbit on Tumblr as well here.