Oops, we fell into the weird side of YouTube again – Part One

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Photo: UKBERRI.NET Uribe Kosta eta Erandioko agerkari digitala


The K-Pop star PSY has made a name for himself after his video has become one the most seen videos of all time. But believe it or not, there are other songs that are on the same level. BORE gives the low down on the biggest and most unusual music videos and songs of all time of the Internet…

Kuca Posa

Ekrem Jevric, originally from Montenegro(former Yugoslavia), works in New York as a construction driver and a cab driver. He created a song called ‘Kuca Posa’ (translates into English as House, Work) about the hard life of immigrants. The song became a huge hit as a ‘so bad it’s good’ video.


On March 14th last year, a thirteen year old Rebecca Black released her song ‘Friday’ in order for people to view her musical talent. Immediately afterwards, comedian Michael J.Nelson tweeted the video calling it the “worst video ever made”. Why? Basically because the lyrics were literally…really bad.  It had more than 3.1million dislikes when the video was finally removed on YouTube in June that year.

Poor Black was slated when it was first released, but afterwards people like myself eventually found it rather catchy. Since then Rebecca Black’s profile has gone down, but the song will still remain history as one of the biggest internet phenomena of all time.

Gangnam Style

When Korea’s A Lister rapper PSY launched this song publicly on the 15th July, he would have no idea that it would end up one of the biggest music sensations ever.  The unique choreography, which he describes, is like ‘riding an invisible horse’ had us completely mesmerised.

The video has broken the Guinness World Records for getting the most YouTube likes and has become number one in most of the international charts, including the US and UK chart.

Why This Kolaveri Di

We’re travelling to India now, the place of my birth and known for cheesy, all singing, all dancing songs.  However it’s the only place where only Hindi songs are likely to go international. Actor and wannabe playback singer Dhanush from TamilNadu changed all that. In upcoming Movie 3 (which he starred in) he wrote a song in completely broken English, with music by his wife’s cousin Anirudh. The song became a hit throughout all of India, reaching no.1 in the BBC Asian Download charts and despite the film being a massive flop, this song is still played at every Bollywood party without a doubt.


It’s 1976 Russia and a young singer called Eduard Khil was asked not to sing the lyrics of his song ‘I Am Glad, ‘Cause I’m Finally Returning Back Home’ – he merely hummed . After 33 years the song made a reappearance after it was uploaded on YouTube. The words which merely sound like ‘Trolololo’, became a hit within seconds of release – even appearing in Family Guy.

Mr. Khil managed to gain worldwide fame before sadly passing away this year. R.I.P, everyone hopes that you are happy trololoing in heaven.

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