Reporter covers China quake in wedding dress

A reporter for a local Chinese station interrupted her make up session in preparation for her wedding to cover the earthquake in the city of Ya’an on Saturday, the worst earthquake of it’s kind since the one 2008, killing 11,000.
She immediately started to interview people on the street, despite the fact she was wearing a full wedding dress. This was her report (as seen on Sky News):
“I am standing at the Holiday Plaza. Fifteen minutes ago, a strong quake struck.”
“But there haven’t been casualties in this area where I am standing…our residents in Ya’an have taken effective measures to prevent damages. I hope our city will be safe”
The video of the report went viral, some even calling her ‘the most beautiful bride in the world’.
After the report, which included 10 minute of interviews, she went back to complete the wedding, and then went to work straight afterwards.